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Franklin Township regulates the use of land, the density of land use and the location of different types of development in order to preserve the health, safety and welfare of township residents and their property.  The township has documented zoning requirements in the Franklin Township Zoning Resolution, the Township Zoning Map and the Zoning Fee Schedule.  Further, the township has adopted The Franklin Township Exterior Property Maintenance Code which establishes standards for the maintenance of exterior surfaces and exterior functioning units of all structures and buildings within the Township.

The responsibility for enforcing these requirements and standards rests with the Zoning Inspector, the Board of Zoning Appeals and the Zoning Commission.


Zoning Inspector Joe Ciccozzi – 330-673-2194 ext. 2 or email

Our Zoning Inspector does not have set office hours.  He meets by appointment only.


The Franklin Township Zoning Inspector is responsible for issuing Zoning Certificates (commonly called zoning permits) for signs, structures, additions and buildings that conform to the Franklin Township Zoning Resolution. The Zoning Inspector also issues zoning use certificates for uses permitted by the Zoning Resolution and conditional use certificates that have been approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals.  To apply for a Zoning Certificate it is recommended that you download the Application for a Zoning Certificate and call the Zoning Inspector for help in completing the application.

Signs, structures, additions, buildings and uses not permitted by the Zoning Resolution may be appealed to the Board of Zoning Appeals.


The Zoning Inspector is also responsible for investigating alleged violations of the Zoning Resolution, enforcing The Franklin Township Exterior Property Maintenance Code, representing Franklin Township on the Portage County Regional Planning Board and working with the Portage County Prosecutor’s Office regarding litigation associated with zoning. 


A hard copy of the Franklin Township Zoning Resolution which details the zoning regulations is available at the town hall upon payment of the current fee. Maps depicting the zoning districts are available free of charge.


Board of Zoning Appeals
(Generally meets the second Monday of the month)

The Board of Zoning Appeals is responsible for hearing and deciding applications for variances to the Franklin Township Zoning Resolution. In granting a variance, the Board may impose such conditions as it may deem necessary to protect the public health, safety, and morals and in furtherance of the purposes and intent of the Zoning Resolution. The Board is also empowered to grant conditional zoning certificates for the use of land, buildings or other structures.


Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Franklin Township Hall, 218 Gougler. The Board generally meets on the second Monday of each month, if there are applications submitted for a variance or conditional use certificate. Check the calendar or contact the town hall to verify meeting dates. 


To apply for a variance or conditional use permit it is recommended that you download the Application for a Zoning Variance or Conditional Use and call the Zoning Inspector for help in completing the application. Note that completed applications, required documentation, and fees must be submitted to the township Zoning Inspector 15 days prior to the scheduled Board of Zoning Appeals meeting.


Minutes for the Board of Zoning Appeals are here


Zoning Commission

(Meets as needed)

The Zoning Commission is responsible for reviewing and analyzing proposed changes to the Zoning Resolution or Zoning Districts and recommending approval or denial of such changes to the Franklin Township Board of Trustees. The Zoning Commission follows a defined process that ensures the involvement of the public and the appropriate governmental agencies. 


The Zoning Commission meets on an as needed basis.  Check the calendar or contact the town hall to verify meeting dates. 


Minutes for the Zoning Commission are here

Zoning Inspector

Joe Ciccozzi – 330-673-2194 ext. 2

Board of Zoning Appeals  

Sam Abell 

Ron Goodspeed, Alternate                                

David Hansford                     

Shawn Martin                            

Justin Moneypenny, Chair                   

Marilyn Sessions                      


Zoning Commission  

Travis Copen

Beth Geist, Chair  

Greg Huck                                

Glenn Luttner

Judy Spencer, Alternate   

Scott Stiegemeier         

To contact a Board of Zoning Appeals or Zoning Commission member, please call 330-673-2194.

Zoning Fee's


Exterior Property Maintanence Code







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